Supply Chain Visibility
08/18 - 05/19
Capstone (SE)
.NET & Azure
Mobile App
Problem Context

Goal to quickly reveal supply chain problems to Wegmans employees when store shelves are emptied.

RIT Software Engineering capstone project taking place over two semesters.


Took charge for the development of the mobile app and early UX/UI tasks such as wireframing.

Relied on close customer collaboration to develop a user-flow for the mobile app part of the project.

Produced and presented wireframes and prototypes, made with LucidChart and Figma, to our customers during weekly meetings, used feedback to iterate design.

Expanded wireframes in terms of depth with annotations and multiple examples, while breadth was improved by highlighting the flow between wireframes based on what elements are interacted with.

Completed work across a multi-tier system built on Microsoft technologies; C#, Xamarin, Azure DevOps.

Composited the team's results together in Adobe Illustrator for our final poster.


Exciting and impactful work, great team composition.

Xamarin had a little bit of a learning curve, but cross-platform support was useful.

Valuable experience applying design and UI skills to a new platform.

Design Work